Sunday, May 20, 2007

Mastery of The Mind: Day 64

This week I completed a training to become skilled to use NLP, Neurological Repatterning, Results Coaching and Hypnosis, to help people to create amazing results in their lives.

Here is a rundown on some of the incredible things I learnt:

The Story Behind The Secret: Day 50

On the internet I found an incredible resource at

It is an interview with Rhonda Byrne, the creator of the secret. I highly recommend anyone who is interested in applying the secret to their life, checks it out. She goes into great detail as to how she applied the secret, in order to create the film 'The Secret.'

This video discusses the learnings I gained, and the action steps I intend to implement.

Finding Motivation: Day 44

I have been struggling with one of my goals, the writing of my script. This video describes how I plan to have a breakthrough in this area.

Money Manifestation: Day 43

I have a mini money manifestation - yay!!

A Metaphor For Living The Law of Attraction: day 40

Metaphors are a powerful tool for working with the unconscious mind. This video describes how I have created a metaphor for creating my own reality.

A Visualization Technique: Day 30

Here is a great visualization technique I use daily to great effect within my life. It is essentially a type of self-hypnosis/self programming. Powerful stuff!!

Taking Inspired Action: Day 29

Visualization is a great tool for manifestation, though it is all futile unless one commits to taking inspired action in their lives.

Miracles of The Mind: Day 21

Most of us don't realize how powerful we really are. Here are some mindblowing thoughts...

Inspiring us To Shine : Day 18

Here is a great quote by Marianne Williamson, I hope to adopt it as my life's motto. I believe its principles are incredibly powerful.

My Thoughts & Experiences During the Challenge

This video was submitted to the 100 Day Challenge Video Contest. It summarises my thoughts on the Challenge, and what it means to me.

Finding a New Spiritual Teacher

I achieve one of my goals, when synchronicity leads me to meet a new Spiritual Teacher.

The Optimal Mood for Living The Secret

As we begin to utilise The Secret in our life, it is of vital importance to be able to maintain an optimal emotional state.

Here are some of my tips:

The Nature of Fears

As one sets goals and objectives, the obstacles and fears begin to settle in. Though isn't it all really just a construct of our imagination??

My Dream Board

A dreamboard is an extremely useful tool for manifesting.

On a large sheet of cardboard you place images of the things you hope to attract into your life.

I have had some strange successes with my dreamboard. You can check it out in the video below:

My Goals for the Challenge.

I began the Challenge on the 17th March. Here are the goals I set for the 100 days:

The 100 day Co-Creating Our Reality Challenge.

An introduction to the 100 Day Challenge:

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Creating a Vision Statement

Earlier this year, a colleague of mine, told me about an incredible man named Malcolm Cohen, who is inspiring people all over the world to create video vision statements.

The idea is to use powerpoint, or any other editing program, to create a short video with pictures related to your hopes and dreams, kind of like a moving dreamboard. You then leave it on your computer as a screensaver, or you can watch it daily.

This is a great idea - as your unconscious mind understands the language of images/pictures. By creating a vision statement, you are telling your unconscious mind what you want it to create in your life. Think of it as the planting of seeds.

I was immediately inspired by the thought, so I created my own version (seen below.)