Sunday, May 20, 2007

Finding Motivation: Day 44

I have been struggling with one of my goals, the writing of my script. This video describes how I plan to have a breakthrough in this area.


Jamie said...

Hi Kim,

I found your site via the 100 Day Challenge. I just recently watched the film version of The Secret and I was pretty inspired by it (which was surprising to me because I read the book and wasn't nearly as enthused as I'd hoped to be - The film hit the spot). I've been watching some of your videos, and your reflections on the whole process have inspired me as well. I'm a college student in the US - still trying to find my own direction. Nonetheless, this video about your Butterfly screenplay is really beautiful. What an amazing project! I was moved to make a butterfly for your tribute and I'd love it if you could send me a destination address for it. Thank you for putting your journey online. Your postive efforts have certainly motivated me to evaluate my own life and put some thought into what I'd like to challenge myself to do. Your forward momentum is contagious. Thank you for that.

Take care,

Kim said...

Thanks so much for your message Jamie!!!

I will be setting up a web page soon for the Butterfly art project & will probably post the details in a video.

I wish you a wonderful week,

Shine on,